Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Fun Baby Bath Tub Products You Gotta Get!


    How many baths do you typically do with your little one in a day? Sometimes, especially during quarantines and snow days, we're stuck in the house without much to do. Don't feel bad about doing more than one bath a day! Kids love it and it gives everyone a break from the same ol' toys in the play room. 

    Bath time is one of our favorite times. Can you blame us? Who doesn't love splashing around in water! It's important to make it fun and comfortable for everyone. Here's some awesome toys that we've found make bath time so much more fun to enjoy.

Please click here for our Bath Time Product List

    Once baby is able to sit on their own without support, did you find that their world expanded so much more during bath time? Try to find toys that light up, make sound, and squirt water to help engage your child's senses! You're going to look back fondly at the memories of bath time with your kids in the years to come. 

Disclaimer: Attached to this document are Amazon Affiliate links. I do receive a small amount of money when you purchase something off Amazon when using one of these links.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Don't forget to add books to your baby registry!

Did you know, if you read 1 book to your child a day they will have read 1,825 books by their 5th birthday!

    Creating routine can be difficult as a first time mom, but eventually it feels like second nature! One of those important routines is reading a book a day. Sometimes, baby may be too tired and it's OK to miss it every once in a while, but it's so important to get into the daily habit early!

    Here's a really good tip, instead of asking for cards for the baby shower, request people bring books and sign the inside cover with a special message! I did this for my baby shower and it was such a hit. It's heartwarming because you will forever have a special message written to your baby in that book. You can even read it to your child and remind them who wrote that message to them. 

Click here for our list of must have books for baby.

    If you're unable to purchase a book shelf full of book remember that it's okay. Your local public library is an excellent resource for you and your family to borrow books from. One of my local libraries even had a special book buy day when they had too many books! They let families fill as many big brown bags for $1 with as many books as we could fit in a bag! Subscribe to your local library's newsletter or follow them on their social medias so you're aware of special events they will be hosting. 

Disclaimer: Attached to this document are Amazon Affiliate links. I do receive a small amount of money when you purchase something off Amazon when using one of these links.

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